Hello There!
My name is Vinicio Vladimir Sanchez Trejo (you can call me Vinicio 😂), and one of my main goals in life is to help you change your life through computer science.
If you are interested in coding, here are some of the goals I have for you:
- I want you to learn how to code - the right way - and become a great developer.
- I want you to go and crush technical interviews.
- I want you to get an amazing job in the tech industry.
- I want you to get your next amazing job or get that juicy raise or build that app you have been dreaming about.
- Above all though, I would like you to fall in love with the beautiful field of computer science.
But Why?
That's an excellent question. I'm glad you asked!
I knew that I wanted to teach Computer Science since I was in high-school. In university, I realized that my favorite teachers were always the ones that taught and also had a job in the industry. I decided to follow in their footsteps.
After a couple of years of working for Microsoft, I made one of my dreams come true and became an instructor at Code Fellows - a Seattle-based Code School. I was even lucky enough to go back to Microsoft and teach its LEAP program two times in a row!
I initially became an instructor to fulfill one of my personal goals, but while I was teaching Computer Science, I learned some key things about the tech industry:
- Computer Science can change people's lives! It made me so happy to see how students with no previous experience landed jobs in companies like Amazon or Microsoft. It made me even happier to realize I was helping :)
- If you want to be in the tech industry, you should have, and deserve a place. Your background and diversity is not a liability but an asset.
- You don't need a degree to start in the industry. A degree is very very useful, but you don't need it.
- Getting into the tech industry takes a great amount of hard work, but it's worthwhile. Look at these happy students from one of my classes at Code Fellows!
Why Cadejo.dev?
After a couple of years teaching people how to code, I decided to go back to the industry and became a developer at Liquid Planner; however, there is still a lot of teaching left in me, so I created Cadejo.dev to continue my teaching endeavors!
A "Cadejo" is a mythological creature from my home country: El Salvador. It's supposed to aid travelers in their journeys. I thought it was a fitting name for the website since I aim to aid you in your coding adventures. I'll leave you with a Cadejo's drawing by Renathory
So what say you? Do you want to learn Computer Science together and change our lives? Subscribe to my newsletter and let's get this party started!
About Kali and Khal
If you spend a little bit of time on this site, you'll see I use the name Kali and Khal all the time in my code samples, so I thought it would be a good idea to introduce you to them.
Khaleesi is the dog. I call her Kali. She's a shy but sweet girl. Khal Basil is the cat. He's affectionate and playful. I'm happy to have them as part of my Ka-tet.